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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Activists Go Face To Face With Evil As Rockefeller Confronted

We Are Change group ask arch-elitist why he admits to working to destroy America in his own book
Prison Planet | May 29, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

As part of a blitz of recent activism in which Al Gore, Rudy Giuliani and the CFR were all confronted, Infowars reporter Luke Rudkowski and the rest of the We Are Change crew went face to face with evil when they paid a visit to arch-elitist David Rockefeller at his own home in New York.

The group scouted out Rockefeller's address and waited for him to exit, watched closely by security guards, before informing him of the fact that a citizen's grand jury was seeking his indictment for his involvement in 9/11. Click here for the full article on Luke Rudkowski, Tom Foti and other members of confront David Rockefeller, kingpin spokesperson for the New World Order-- who has stated in his autobiography that he is an 'internationalist and proud' and not only intends to destroy the sovereignty of the United States in favor of world government, but claims to have set in motion 'irreversible' actions to that end.

Rockefeller has used literally hundreds of intitutions and foundations-- many of which he or his family's dynasty have founded-- to pursue world government, including the most notorious organizations, all of which he covers in the 'Proud Internationalist'chapter of "Memoirs"-- the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, amongst many, many others.

WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski-- a freelance reporter for used the book Memoirs to seek an autograph in excuse to approach and confront the aging traitor outside of his New York home. Click here for the full article over on


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ما هي افضل شركة تداول بالعراق التي توفر افضل التوصيات؟

7:29 AM  

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