I'm surprised you used the V for Vendetta movie as a vehicle to promote freedom. You mistake the false freedom of the French Revolution with the true freedom under God of the American Revolution. See the following critique I wrote after viewing it.
V for Vulgar, Violent and Void of Value
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute light for darkness and bitter for sweet.” Isaiah 5:20
“Shall we do evil that good may come? God forbid.” (Paraphrase of Romans 3:8)
The false dichotomy between a fascist right and a liberal left is only one of many things wrong with the agit prop film, V for Vendetta.
According to V we may lie in order to tell the truth and murder in order to do justice. This film has it all: The glorification of violence, the promotion of homosexuality as love, stealing as recovery of confiscated property and the rewriting of history to support a left wing ideology.
All this is done of course in the name of an idea, a very bad one at that; an idea that has sent many to hell including Lenin, Stalin, and Mao and brought hell to millions of people.
The irony of this movie is that in order to preserve freedom one must blow up the very symbols of freedom itself; Parliament and the Old Bailey (the British version of the Supreme Court). Have we forgotten that before Parliament and the judicial branch of government that there was only the King who ruled absolutely and most of the time in a tyrannical fashion? And what are we supposed to make of Guy Fawkes, a disillusioned Catholic who gets recast as a Marxist revolutionary?
The play-book for this film is taken directly out of Marxist theorist Carlos Marighella’s Mini–Manual for the Urban Guerilla and is a formula for anarchy and untold human misery. It belongs on the ash heap of history.
This has got to be one of the five worst movies I have ever seen. I give it a V for vomit.
I'm surprised you used the V for Vendetta movie as a vehicle to promote freedom. You mistake the false freedom of the French Revolution with the true freedom under God of the American Revolution. See the following critique I wrote after viewing it.
V for Vulgar, Violent and Void of Value
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute light for darkness and bitter for sweet.” Isaiah 5:20
“Shall we do evil that good may come? God forbid.” (Paraphrase of Romans 3:8)
The false dichotomy between a fascist right and a liberal left is only one of many things wrong with the agit prop film, V for Vendetta.
According to V we may lie in order to tell the truth and murder in order to do justice. This film has it all: The glorification of violence, the promotion of homosexuality as love, stealing as recovery of confiscated property and the rewriting of history to support a left wing ideology.
All this is done of course in the name of an idea, a very bad one at that; an idea that has sent many to hell including Lenin, Stalin, and Mao and brought hell to millions of people.
The irony of this movie is that in order to preserve freedom one must blow up the very symbols of freedom itself; Parliament and the Old Bailey (the British version of the Supreme Court). Have we forgotten that before Parliament and the judicial branch of government that there was only the King who ruled absolutely and most of the time in a tyrannical fashion? And what are we supposed to make of Guy Fawkes, a disillusioned Catholic who gets recast as a Marxist revolutionary?
The play-book for this film is taken directly out of Marxist theorist Carlos Marighella’s Mini–Manual for the Urban Guerilla and is a formula for anarchy and untold human misery. It belongs on the ash heap of history.
This has got to be one of the five worst movies I have ever seen. I give it a V for vomit.
John G. Barbour
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