The unofficial blog.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Federal Reserve: Hiding 9-11 Evidence?

March 26, 2007

Last Friday, we noticed a news item that was picked up by the on-line news service, Freedoms Phoenix Headline News out of Phoenix, Arizona.

The news story was titled, Former Fed analyst questions M1 currency component spike prior to 9/11, and was originally published on March 22 in the Muckraker Report.

The story is about William Bergman a senior analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago whose employment with the Bank was abruptly terminated after he sought answers to a question relating to an investigation he had been directed to undertake.
Click here and here for more.

Note: Reporter and Fed Analyst To Speak at GML 2007

Both Ed Haas, the founder and editor of the Muckraker Report and Bill Bergman, the former analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago will be speakers at GML 2007 to discuss this important story and to answer questions. Click here for the agenda.