The unofficial blog.

Monday, February 26, 2007

9/11 Building 7 Collapse - WTC7 23 Minute Warning - Salomon Brothers Building

The BBC was reporting live that World Trade Center Building collapsed. There was a live feed with a correspondent at the scene who said the building had collapsed. The only problem is that the building was just over her left shoulder and had not yet collapsed. How did the BBC know the building was going to fall????? (23 minutes in advance of the actual collapse of Building #7).

How can anyone explain the fact that WTC7 which had not been hit by a plane and was of different construction from the two towers fell as a result of fire. This has NEVER happened in the history of modern steel construction. If your question is why then you are not alone….

It is time we get real answers!!! “We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself”
Click here to view it on Google Video directly and fast forward to: 14:49 to see this. Be sure to DIGG the heck out of this at this link.