The unofficial blog.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Paul Harvey Comments On The IRS

Someone from the network shared this information today:

"...if you have not seen this yet, go to Click on Monday at noon. Slide ove to 14:00. Listen to his final comments on a couple besting the IRS:

"Now for what it’s worth the 9th circuit panel in SF has been reversed. The Internal Revenue Service, the IRS, has ruled tat Valerie and Robert McKee owed the government $31,000 in unpaid taxes until Valerie and Robert demonstrated in court that the tax law is so complex nobody can understand it. The court had to agree that the law was indeed so complex that nobody can understand it and the court revered itself and the IRS gets the bill. The government sought and got us….ha ha ha (laugh)….your government also tried to get a stipulation that this verdict would not be made public, but it just was…….Paul Harvey, Good Day!!”

You can listen to this over at this link. just posted this same file at this link.