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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Father Coughlin speaks against the Federal Reserve

Our AFTF Colorado State Volunteer coordinator shared this comment:

"This is a far cry from the christian leaders of today":

"There is written in the Constitution of the United States that Congress has the right to coin, issue, and regulate the value of money. That’s good Americanism and it’s good enough for me. Every politician today in the Democratic or Republican ranks who sits upon one of the thrones of the mighty, doesn’t believe in that part of the Constitution. They don’t want to believe in that part of the Constitution. They believe that the Federal Reserve Bank had the right to coin and regulate the value of money. They’re not even Americans these so-called Democrats and Republicans!"

"And so Mr. Roosevelt, who was very loquacious in 1933 about driving the money changers out of the temple, is now bent upon another policy. I think driving the workmen out of decent annual wages."

"As I come before you today, I wish to leave this thought with you. That in each Congressional District here in Illinois we will endorse a candidate who can rise above his party and puts Patriotism first. He may be a Democrat or a Republican or whatnot. But we’re through with the sham battle of politicians and now we’re on our own. Therefor under your Congressional District presidents, form your battalions, take up the shield of your defense, unsheathe the sword of your truth and carry on in Illinois so that the Communists on the one hand cannot scourge us and that the modern Capitalists on the other cannot plaque us."

During his training Coughlin was deeply influenced by the encyclical On the Condition of the Working Class, published by Pope Leo XIII in 1891. In this document the Pope called for far-reaching reforms to create a more just society in order to counter the growing support for Socialism in the world.

For more on Father Coughlin go to this link: