The unofficial blog.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

AFTF Premiered In Six Cities on Friday

Friday, October 6th launched the biggest premier weekend for AFTF with openings in Dallas, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Tucson and Nashwille.

Two showings in LA were completely sold out. Garko, Our lead coordinator for LA reported:

"Both shows were sold out, people stayed long afterwards outside expressing themselves, talking with Aaron and on video to Yazik, over 20 people from the first show alone filled out fliers to offer their services as volunteers. many people outside after the film were offering their support in different ways... from a guest appearance on a cable show out of Santa Barbara to a music DJ wanting to put together a creative work to promote the film's message to his public."

AFTF Sold Out Proof

Beverly Hills Theatre Marquee

Long lines for second sold-out show

Aaron Russo with theatre-goers

Phoenix was 40-50 seats shy of a sellout for the main screening - in a 220 seat theatre - and even more came for the late night screening.

Dallas was a complete success - still waiting for more concrete details.

Indications prior to Friday was that SLC was going to be a sellout - we are still waiting for concrete numbers.

Nashville was the worst among the 6 cities with only 50 tickets sold on Friday.

Yesterday we lauched a nationwide effort to pull Nashville out of the pits. Over 170 tickets were purchased by volunteers throughout the country and we had 4-6 AFTF volunteers passing out the tickets to passers-by on the campus of Vanderbuilt University and the surrounding neighborhoods.

We will have more details later.


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